Singing Guide: White Lion

Singing Guide: White Lion

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like White Lion's frontman, Mike Tramp, there are a few techniques you can focus on to help emulate his unique style.

One of Tramp's signature vocal techniques is his use of vibrato. This is a technique where you rapidly alternate the pitch of a note, creating a wavering effect. While it can take some practice to master, using vibrato can add depth and emotion to your singing, much like Tramp's performances in hits such as "When The Children Cry" and "Wait."

Another technique Tramp uses is belting, which is a powerful style of singing used to hit high notes. To do this, you need to engage your chest voice, diaphragm, and support your breath properly. Singing exercises such as those in Singing Carrots' pitch training program or the chest voice singing videos are great to develop strong vocal power and belting ability.

When it comes to songs showcasing Tramp's vocal style, "Till Death Do Us Part," and "Little Fighter" are great examples. Singing along with these songs can help you develop a good sense of Tramp's vocal range, and you can test your own range and vocal abilities using Singing Carrots' vocal range test or pitch accuracy test.

Finally, remember that practice is key. Consistent vocal warm-ups, daily vocal exercises such as breathing exercises or tongue twisters, and dedication to improving your vocal technique can all help you to sing like White Lion's Mike Tramp.

Using Singing Carrots' plethora of resources, like their singing course, articles on vocal health, and tools such as the pitch monitor, can support you in improving your vocal technique and develop your vocal expression. Remember to have confidence and enjoy the journey of mastering a new vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.